Visit in Boston

Publiée le 11/04/2023
Day trip to Boston

Super sunshiny day 😎

We followed the “Freedom Trail” (there’s a line on the pavement along the way) that explains how Americans finally became independent in 1776. It all began in the state of Massachusetts !

Massachusetts was also the 1st state to abolish slavery 👍🏻

Along the way
In front of the USS constitution
Mix of old and new buildings
In front of Mr Harvard, founder of Harvard University

About Harvard :

- 50,000 applicants

- 2,000 are accepted

- 1,600 finally study in Harvard 

- 3% fail the final exam (after 3 or 4 years)

- It costs 75,000$ a year, but 1/3 pay the full price. (Others get a grant)

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