Greenhead! ( fifth day)

Publiée le 24/03/2018

We took the bus to go to Greenhead where we visited the Roman Army Museum. While one group saw a little movie the other group had a "school class" with an hologram. It was raining therefore we ate in the museum. We came back in the bus to go to the Hadrian's Wall. Because of the rain the path was very muddy consequently we couldn't go see it. Then we went to Newcastle to board the ferry and we left England... The trip was very eventful, Actually there were huge waves and this is the reason why a lot of people were seasick. I helped them with others students, We brought bags to throw up and we helped them to walk. To some extent, I didn't enjoy the dinner in the self-serve buffet but the food was again very good.

Roman Army Museum
In the Museum
The Hadrian's Wall
In the ferry :  Kings Seaways!

If you are seasick eat bread can help you!

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