Meet me in Tokyo

Publiée le 18/01/2019
5am. Full day to enjoy first experiences. And the first one struck me straight away: Tokyo public transportation. Finding my way into this gigantic network of gibberish symbols (kanji), in a country where you'd be lucky to find anyone speaking a tiny bit of english turns to a real survival challenge

Meet me in Tokyo
Ready for the start
Hisayo says Hi!
Mr Caravan man
Kokyo, imperial palace of Tokyo
Buildings like trees
Buildings like trees
The joyful times of the Tokyo subway in rush hours
Game madness
The mysterious streets of Tokyo
Level your spirituality up
The cabinhotel for the first night, a must-do
Fish market: 36 views of Tokyo
Elderly playing Shogi: 36 views of Tokyo
Sushis on the fish market: 36 views of Tokyo
Ukiyo-e: 36 views of Tokyo
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