Last day in Dryanovo and travel to Kosovo

Publiée le 16/12/2020
For this third day, the trainees finish their interview in Dryanovo before travel to Kosovo Village, a lost village with only 10 inhabitants !

Arrivée à Kosovo

Après un dernier repas chez nos hôtes, nous reprenons la route. C'est le grand retour des virages ! Mais on dirait qu'ils passent plus facilement la seconde fois. Les villages bulgares se méritent !

Après environ 1h de route, nous voici à notre dernière étape, le village de Kosovo. Ce village a été progressivement abandonné au XIXe siècle. Aujourd'hui il ne reste plus qu'une dizaine d'habitant et la plupart des maisons sont en ruines. 

Nous sommes accueillis dans une très jolie maison d'hôtes traditionnelle.

Our arrival at Kosovo

After a last meal with our hosts, we hit the road. It's the big comeback of turns! But it looks like they pass more easily the second time around. Bulgarian villages deserve!

After about an hour's drive, here we are at our last stop, the village of Kosovo. This village was gradually abandoned in the 19th century. Today there are only a dozen inhabitants left and most of the houses are in ruins.

We are welcomed in a very pretty traditional guest house.

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