4 days on the Abel Tasman

Publiée le 09/03/2018
Start of a wonderful 4-days track in the National Park of Abel Tasman. Coastal trail from one bay to another, sleeping on the beach facing a wonderful sunrise

First stop first beach
Water and rocks
After walking a couple of hours, I set up my tent on the beach
Water and rocks
The walk goes from bushes on the coastal forest ..
... to another bay
... to another beach
Cleopatras' pool, where the water is gold
Splashing waters on the rocks
Wildlife on the track: weka
Wildlife on the track : duck
Wildlife on the track: stout
Wildlife on the track:
Wildlife on the track:
Wildlife on the track: seals
Wildlife on the track: seals
Wildlife on the track: seals
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3 Voyages | 65 Étapes
Marahau, Nouvelle-Zélande
29e jour (06/02/2018)
Étape du voyage
Début du voyage : 09/01/2018
Liste des étapes

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