Te Anau. The lakes' serenity

Publiée le 17/04/2018
I stayed in Te Anau for a couple of days. The place is calm and quiet, all about the stunning views on the lake and the surrounding mountains. It's also the most remote town in the south, best resort for who wants to visit the Fiordland and the Sounds

view over the mountains from my tent
sunset and sunrise, highlights of my days
sunset and sunrise, highlights of my days
sunset and sunrise, highlights of my days
Lake view on Te Anau
Lake view on Te Anau
landing on the lake
flying or sailing?
Lake view on Te Anau
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3 Voyages | 65 Étapes
Te Anau, Nouvelle-Zélande
69e jour (18/03/2018)
Étape du voyage
Début du voyage : 09/01/2018
Liste des étapes

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