Charlie in the Great South: Isengard

Publiée le 17/04/2018
Charlotte joins me here in New-Zealand! Start of a 3 weeks roadtrip from South to North. Exciting to travel together for new thrilling experiences, while the summer slowly ends and the days become colder.

Queenstone on the Wakatipu lake
Queenstone on the Wakatipu lake
Queenstone on the Wakatipu lake
Queenstone on the Wakatipu lake
Queenstone on the Wakatipu lake
Roadtrip to the south
Roadtrip to the south
Glenorchy: welcome to Paradise
Charlotte in Paradise
The locals
An oldie in Paradise
"They take the hobbit to Isengard!"
Queenstone on the Wakatipu lake
A cosy place to make the change from the campsites
view over the mountains from the window
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3 Voyages | 65 Étapes
Glenorchy-Paradise Road, Glenorchy, Nouvelle-Zélande
76e jour (25/03/2018)
Étape du voyage
Début du voyage : 09/01/2018
Liste des étapes

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