Day 84 - Free walking Tours

Publiée le 03/07/2019
As usual when we are in new city, we decided to take the free walking tours.

Even though the tours guide was excellent and his explanation were really interesting and helpful to understand Medellin’s past, the tour itself did disappointed me. It length 3 hours and a half, and we haven’t seen much. 

The reason is simple, Medellin is a newly reborn city, because of its past, the cartels and Pablo Escobar. By the way if I could give a tip about you stay in Medellin, do not do any tours about Pablo Escobar there. It is really harmful for the people to see tourists coming to Medellin for these tours. The guide never mentioned it’s name once, just using « the infamous criminal » or other synonyms. We can easily understand why people try to forget this dark past.

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4 Voyages | 91 Étapes
Medellín, Antioquia, Colombie
84e jour (21/06/2019)
Étape du voyage
Début du voyage : 30/03/2019
Liste des étapes

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